
How Long Does Tilapia Last in the Fridge?

Assuming you’ve just brought some tilapia home from the grocery store and you’re wondering how long it can safely stay in your fridge, you’ve come to the right place. As with any type of fish, it’s essential to pay attention to how much time has passed since you picked it up from the store and when you’ll want to cook it before it goes bad.

Today we’ll explore how long does tilapia last in the fridge, as well as what signs to look for when you’re deciding if it’s still good or not. With these tips, you’ll learn how to ensure your tilapia is fresh and safe to eat.

How long does tilapia last in the fridge?

Tilapia has a fairly long shelf life in the fridge if stored properly. According to the USDA, the time frame should be three to four days, though individual packaging may vary. The best way to store it, if you’re not cooking it right away, is to wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and then put it in the coldest part of the refrigerator, like the back bottom shelf.

If you plan to freeze it, you’ll want to log when you purchased it and when you plan to cook it so you can make sure to keep it within that three to four-day window. When it comes to frozen tilapia, you can generally keep it for up to six months before it starts to lose its freshness.

How to tell if tilapia is bad?

Knowing how to tell if tilapia has gone bad is an essential part of making sure it’s safe to consume. The good news is that it’s usually quite simple to determine whether or not the fish is still in edible condition.

First and foremost, you’ll want to give it a good sniff. If it smells off in any way, discard it. Something might be wrong with the fish if it has an unpleasant odor, like a fishy or sour smell.

Next, take a peek at its color. If the flesh of the tilapia has lost its pinkish hue, it’s another sign it’s gone bad and should be tossed. Finally, note the texture. If it’s slimy, tough, or looks dried out, it’s time to say goodbye.

Cooking and prepping tilapia

Now that you know the shelf life of tilapia and how to tell if it’s gone bad, it’s time to move on to the cooking part. Tilapia is a great choice for a light and healthy dinner, as it’s low in calories and high in essential vitamins and minerals, almost like a sushi.

By prepping the fish, you can decide whether you’d like to leave the skin on or remove it. Removing it is a great way to reduce the fishiness of the tilapia, however, it’s not necessary if you don’t mind it. Once it’s ready to be cooked, you can opt for baking, pan-frying, grilling, or steaming.

Wrapping up

Purchasing and storing fish can seem daunting, but with the right information, you’ll soon be enjoying delicious meals made from fresh tilapia. Now that you know how long does tilapia last in the fridge and how to tell if it has gone bad, you’ll be prepared to cook your fish with confidence. So go ahead and enjoy your meals safe in the knowledge that you’ve done everything to maximize the amount of time your tilapia lasts before cooking.

How long does tilapia last in the fridge cooked?

Tilapia is a type of fish that many of us love to eat. It’s not only delicious but also incredibly healthy. It’s a lean source of protein and is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it’s relatively easy to cook. But many of us have a lingering question: how long does tilapia last in the fridge cooked?

The answer, which unfortunately is not an easy one-size-fits-all answer, depends on a lot of factors, including how it’s cooked and stored. With some simple steps, however, you can make sure your cooked tilapia stays fresh and safe to eat for as long as possible.

Before we get into the details, it’s important to remember that cooked tilapia can only last in the refrigerator for three to four days. If it’s left out for any longer than that, bacteria can start to grow, which can make the fish unsafe to eat. So if you’re planning to store cooked tilapia for any longer than four days, you should freeze it instead.

Now let’s talk about how to make sure your cooked tilapia stays fresh and safe to eat for as long as possible.

  • Cook the Fish Properly

This is the most important step when it comes to making sure your cooked tilapia lasts as long as possible. If the fish is cooked incorrectly, bacteria can start to grow quickly, which will make it unsafe to eat. So, you want to make sure the fish is cooked at the right temperature (145 degrees Fahrenheit) and for the right time (3-4 minutes per inch of thickness).

  • Quickly Cool the Fish

Unlike the gluten free gatorade, once the fish is cooked, you want to quickly cool it down to a safe temperature. This can be done by placing it on a plate or in a shallow dish and then popping it into the fridge.

  • Keep the Fish Well-Covered

Once the cooked tilapia has cooled to a safe temperature, it’s important to make sure it’s well-covered when stored in the refrigerator. This can be done by placing the cooked fish in a shallow dish with a lid or in an airtight container, or even wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This will help to keep out any air or moisture, which can cause the fish to spoil more quickly.

  • Separate the Fish from Raw Food

Once the cooked tilapia is in the fridge, you want to make sure it’s kept away from any raw food. Bacteria can easily spread from the raw food onto the cooked fish, making it unsafe to eat. So, make sure to keep those two items separate.

  • Reheat the Fish Properly

When it comes time to reheat the cooked fish, you want to make sure that it’s heated to the right temperature (165 degrees Fahrenheit) and for the right amount of time (3-4 minutes). This will kill off any bacteria that may have grown while the fish was in the refrigerator.

So, how long does tilapia last in the fridge cooked? With the right steps, it can last for up to four days. But to be on the safe side, you should plan to eat it within three days. And if you’re planning to store it for any longer, you’re better off freezing it. By taking the proper steps, you can make sure your cooked tilapia stays fresh and safe to eat for as long as possible.

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